Microneedling has emerged as a popular and common cosmetic procedure that involves rolling a microneedle roller that contains small pins across the skin’s surface. This causes hundreds of exceedingly small holes to be punctured in the skin’s surface by the multitude of needles. It is commonly used to treat wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, dull skin, and some scarring. After undergoing treatment, the skin’s surface looks more vibrant and youthful. We use a treatment device called Dermapen for our microneedling treatments.
Is a Dermapen the Same as a Microneedle Roller?
A Dermapen is a small, handheld device that works the same as a microneedle roller. It effectively makes hundreds of very targeted holes in the skin’s surface. The pen lets the physician effortlessly target crucial areas such as acne scarring, stretch marks, wrinkles, and other areas of imperfection with precision.
How Does Microneedling Work?
The hundreds of small, superficial holes created by the needles of the microneedle device spurs the healing process in the skin. As you age, your skin’s collagen, and elastin production naturally slow. The collagen layer depletes. This causes noticeable wrinkles and a loss of fullness. However, microneedling (which is also called collagen induction therapy) encourages the skin to ramp up production of collagen to repair the damage so that your face is rejuvenated. It automatically takes on a fresher, fuller, and more youthful appearance. Fine lines and wrinkles disappear.
How Does Microneedling Reduce Scarring?
By targeting areas of scarring with a microneedle roller or a Dermapen, the concave scarring from stretch marks and acne starts to fill out as the collagen and elastin fibers are stimulated beneath the skin’s surface. The elastin acts as a fibrous net in the skin. As it is rebuilt, collagen again fills the net to plump out the areas of scarring for a smoother and less marred appearance.
Microneedling can be performed in the comfort of our office. It only takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete the procedure. Many people are concerned that the treatment will hurt due to the needles, but it is relatively painless. The skin will remain red for two or three days, but once the healing starts the new skin will take on a more youthful glow.